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Electronics, Arduino & Processing

Updated: May 15, 2020


From the Physical Computing module I took last semester I had some experience with Arduino and wanted to keep it separate from processing (as it was new to me) so I could make something at a standard I would be proud of. Due to the combination of outbreak of COVID-19 and personal travel restrictions I was unable to collect my kit from UL so I used Tinkercad to create a virtual version.

Inspired by recent events, my Idea was a device to be used during the COVID-19 outbreak as a way to help keep people safe. In my previous project for Physical Computing I used a ultrasonic distance sensor as part of a user interface. With the understanding that this component can detect something as far as three meters I had the idea to use this with regards to social distancing.

Though this diagram doesn't show how it works, the idea would be that the user would place the device on their backpack or something similar (as long as it is outside of their peripheral vision) to detect if somebody is within two meters. As soon as the device detects something within two meters the user would discreetly be notified through the use of a vibration moter, thus allowing them to react accordingly. Below you will see the code containing the relevant notes.

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